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Building a Reminder Email Sequence for Abandoned Carts

By June 15, 2021May 27th, 2024No Comments

Building a Reminder Email Sequence for Abandoned Carts

The online business marketplaces in the entire world lose an approximation of $5 trillion every year with the underlying cause of cart abandonment. It is a gigantic number that jeopardizes every E-commerce marketplace. Market studies show that about 95% of customers refrain from completing a purchase during their first website visit due to various reasons ranging from unexpected delivery time and shipping price to checkout errors as a consequence of high website traffic and payment failures.

The easiest yet effective way to address these issues as well as retaining that segment of potential customers has always been through email communication helping to retribute from the customers for the disarray of cart abandonments. The process of building an effective email sequence acting as a reminder for abandoned carts is one of the most indulging ways to bring consumers back to the website to complete their purchases.

Creating a basic strategy of reminder mails primarily includes the intention of sending multiple emails to the customers in a definite span of time. As these E-commerce customers are more likely to complete their checkout procedure than those who receive a single follow-up mail, which also helps the former strategy averaging around 45% of multiple transaction rate when compared to the latter.

The assessment of every cart abandonment email is plain and simple; CLOSE THE DEAL ASAP! Hence, ensuring this superlative agenda requires a set of factors before constructing these emails :-

Assess the Timing

When it comes to cart recovery strategy, timing is simply everything. The first email after acknowledging the cart abandonment should be sent within the hour, giving the maximum assurance of recovery as these customers will reciprocatively understand that the items are still in the cart.

As a matter of fact, emails which are sent within the hour of cart abandonment have an average recovery rate of 4.8%, while emails sent within a day or more, after cart abandonment recover at the rate of 2.6%. Follow-up mails can be drafted accordingly around 24-48 hours of the first mail. This gives adequate time to let the customer ponder their decision to complete the purchase and also avoids the chances of spamming.

Sophisticated Subject Line

The main purpose of sending a remembrance email to a potential customer is to make the brand outstanding in front of the customer pool by being totally out of the box. Here are the basic tips to consummate this juncture.

  1. Product Info :- This includes the exact products which were left behind in the cart. Example – “We’ve saved that shirt you needed”
  2. Customer Name :- This is a personalized factor to attract the customers individually as this method generates up to 50% open recovery rates.
    Example – “Sarah, this is a 20% discount coupon just for you”
  3. Subject Tone :- The subject should be amicable and understandable, as if talking to an acquaintance.
    Example – “The items you saved in the cart are missing you”
  4. Sense of Urgency :- Let the customer know how long the items in the cart will be held or add expiration clause to a promo code.
    Example – “Final Countdown : 15% off on items left in your cart only for a short time”
  5. Simplicity :- It only takes a split-second for your customers to decide if they will open the mail or not. So, keep it short and sweet.
    Example – “Did you forget?”

Concise Delivery of Message

The content enclosed within the email should be short, sweet and straightforward as these customers had already visited the website and checked out the product catalogue, so there’s no need to further elaborate while taking into consideration that these customers changed their minds at the last second. The reasons to leave the cart astray will almost always be unspecified, so the message should comply with the products that they added to their cart.

Recommendation of Relevant Products

This is one of the tried-and-tested processes to engage your customer’s attention by offering product recommendations in your mail. This actually helps captivating confused buyers by suggesting them similar products that compliments their taste in order to make them revisit as well as ascertain their carts.

The relevancy of an email to the customer’s interests is proportional to the click-through rate of an online marketplace. At a basic level of reverse psychology, building an email strategy is advantageous at a seller’s viewpoint as a seller will get to know what the potential buyer desires.

If the email strategy is based upon an AI product recommender, then it can easily help in creating personalized mails embedded with product suggestions to an individual’s taste.

Discount Offerings

Nowadays, applying discount deals and coupons is a trending norm in the realm of customers to complete any purchase. Although, these discounts shorten your profit margin but they are useful to gain brand loyalty which in turn will push more product sales. Also, free shipping can be used as a vital strategy to stimulate customers to come back and finish their purchase. Striking the price as an additional discount while the products are added in the cart can also act effectively. However, make sure that the customers are not given enough privilege to abuse the offer by adding items to the cart with the sole intention of getting a discount.


To sum it up at the end, email can be utilized as a defense mechanism against the high percentage of cart abandonment issues. Retaliating at the right time with a proper email can become the ideal solution of getting these customers back to your shopping portal. Sometimes, customers really hesitate to buy, yet at the end of the day, it’s a seller’s job to help them out with what they desire.

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