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SEO tactics you must know in 2016

By August 25, 2016May 27th, 2024No Comments

SEO tactics you must know in 2016

There are many websites which fail due to improper use of SEO tactics. People who succeed with SEO, do following things very well:

  1. First, they identify the right SEO techniques that drive them traffic.
  2. Second, they put all their efforts into executing and scaling those techniques.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

is imperative, it helps in bringing the customers from the website by doing organic searches.

Understanding the SEO tactics saves your lots of time from the traditional advertising and cold calling which are less efficient and not so much useful. While ranking for a particular keyword in search engines, you already have filtered the customers who are looking for it.

According to a report around 70% of the users prefer the SEO results which means it offers better return on Investment (ROI). The leads generated from SEO have a 14.6 percent close rate as a comparison to the outbound leads (like direct mail or print advertising) which have a 1.7 percent close rate.

Now the question is- “How to choose the right SEO strategies that will work?”

Well, in this article we are going to explain you the five best SEO techniques which will help you to grow your business at much faster rate.

Always start with a high content:

In SEO, make sure that your website starts appearing in the searches. Moreover, make sure that you have high-quality content. If your content is strong and well-written, then the relevant site will tend to share it, which will increase your site traffic, and can lead to sales and brand exposure.

Writing an incredible and meaningful content which people want to read is considered the best way to earn good quality links.

The truth behind great website content:

Content marketing is the core SEO tactic still some websites have lower quantity of content.

Every great content should be promoted. Once you created a good content try to develop it or publish it on other websites. Post that content which is valuable to your customer, not for your own profit.

Maintain your links

Sometimes the link got break, and sometimes the publishers of other websites won’t give you any credit for the content. These are some missed opportunities.

Find those sites which have high traffic. Take the help of Google Alert, it will notify you when other website mentions your company. If they are not giving you the credit ask them to add the link. After all, you are putting your efforts into building a great content then you should be recognised.

Ask for a link:

Asking for a link seems easy and straightforward but never overlook this opportunity.

Find a relevant website with a good traffic and ask them to link your site too. Building relationships with other companies help in increasing the traffic on your site.

Find a company that ranks on page one for your target keywords.

Then see the sites who are linking to those pages. Ask these companies to link your website also.

Mark your content should be of high-quality, superior and meaningful to the web page.

Keep an-eye-on your competitors:

Always do research. Keep updated to the market and use test-searchers to find new companies and what they are they selling. Do they have the same product which you have?

These test-searches also shows your position in between your competitors for the similar products. If your company doesn’t come up, then you have to think a lot. Sometimes you need to adopt new SEO strategies also. Once can also review their competitor’s links and can learn from their success.

SEO tactics that you should learn from your competitors:

  1. Once you identified the targeted keyword, prepare a list of top 10 websites that ranks on top. And how many backlinks they have?
  2. How much content they have? Are their content fruitful or not?
  3. Learn new skills of SEO tactic from your competitors.
  4. Always remember these following SEO tactics:
  5. Think from the user`s point. Provide excellent user experience in the form of audio, video and images. Keep your articles up-to-date.
  6. Create long content, as they are better for SEO. There is no rule that how many words an article should contain, all that matter is it should be meaningful. Longer the blog posts
  7. Your website should have a mobile marketing strategy because Mobile SEO plan has become the core part of 2016.

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