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SEO Company India

Reserve Top Search Engine Rankings For Your Online Business

With Google being the new Yellow Pages, we secure your business among the topmost positions without even paying for it. With a complete strategy & a planned marketing, we help you to build a brand value across the web.

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SEO Company India

No guess work. No duplicity. Just the bespoke solutions to meet your SEO requirements.

Zuplic is an innovative, dynamic and performance-oriented digital marketing company that thrives on SEO techniques, for desktop and mobile, to give your site just the right building blocks it needs to succeed and achieve sustainability to reach and retain the top positions. Our strategies don’t aim to put you in front of the generic traffic looking up for information but in front of the specific audience that is looking for what you provide. We work with transparency, use our experience and make sure you achieve your goals in time.

Increased Ranking

SEO includes keyword phrases for searches performed by potential customers. This will get you to rule top positions on major search engines.

Brand Visibility

You look credible in front of prospects when you appear in the top position on search engines after Search Engine Optimization.

Effective Strategy

Search Engine Optimization allows you the ability to choose keyword phrases for searches performed by potential customers


SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results so there are no qualms when it comes to ROI.

User Experience

Ranks are based on user experience. Mobile-friendly websites & good integration of images are placed at higher ranks.

Search Process

98% of Internet users begin their Web search through a major Search Engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL)

A team of SEO experts that can help you improve google rankings

We aim to achieve long-term goals with innovative strategies and out of the box thinking. We do not believe in conventional and automated techniques that produce short term success. With our comprehensive campaigns, we make sure that our customers evolves as a positive and well-recognized brands.

Local SEO

Building visibility in Google My Business & Google Maps.

On-Page & Technical SEO

Page level optimisation of content, along with server-based optimisations.

E-Commerce SEO

SEO done within the constraints of the e-commerce site architecture format.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

Optimising the user journey on page level to achieve max. conversions.

Schema & Structured Data

The micro-data formats that are coded into your website to understand business specifics.

SEO Audits

Zuplic’s in-depth website audits of on page and off-site SEO.

Google Penalty Recovery

Removing site penalties enforced by Google either automatically or manually.

Keyword Research

The process of understanding the language your consumers ask questions in.

Link Building

Reviewing you backlink profile and building high quality, white hat backlinks to raise your domain authority within search engines.

Get familiar with our SEO Experts working

01. Gather & Analyse

We gather information about your business from you and the strategies adopted by you so far. After that, we analyse the information gathered and identify ways to enhance your business.

02. Develop & Strategize

We develop comprehensive strategies to perform Search Engine optimization. And also provide you with the most used keywords and phrases used by your customer to get the services you provide.

03. Deploy & Maintain

Our in-house SEO experts implements the strategies effectively to get the high rankings for your business on the search engines. We would regularly update you with our reports and constantly stay in touch with you.

The answers to your SEO questions.

Get in touch
What is SEO?

The full form of SEO is search engine optimization. Here optimization is the foundation for all the SEO activities. It is proven that if the SEO activity for a brand presence is optimized in the best possible way, across the internet through the website or social media platforms then the online visibility increases and fetches good results by taking the website to the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Moreover, a google search on the first page ensures wide exposure to the online customer.

How does SEO work?

SEO is an exercise that is done to enhance the online presence by improvising particularly the current website making it more acceptable by popular search engines like Google and Bing. These search engines work like a scanner and try to understand the website as its whole. SEO plays a key role in increasing the organic traffic of any website with good quality site visitors that too without burning too much of your pocket.

Do different search engines require different SEO strategies?

All the different search engines have some understated differences. Mostly, it is found that Google is the preferred choice for SEO strategy as it is one of the most trusted search engines for any target market as organic traffic is mainly from Google.

What would be the cost involved for any SEO campaign?

For running a successful SEO campaign, it is always a good practice to have an SEO expert or an agency on board and the cost for the same should be included in the marketing budget. The budget for the same should be decided based on the outcome expected to achieve the set target of the business. As per your expectation and target have given for the business the SEO expert or agency would quote the budget to ensure the best result and quick return on investment.

Is it possible to do it on our own?

In today’s digital world there is nothing like that we cannot learn and do on our own. When it comes to doing SEO independently the answer is of course yes, through ongoing learning. But, one must implement and execute a well-planned SEO strategy or marketing plan across the website. But, the fact remains that SEO is a time taking process and one needs to be well versed with both of its elements that is technical SEO and on-page SEO for better results. Further, we must keep ourselves updated with the algorithm’s changes across different search engines.

What are the factors that influence SEO ranking?

SEO ranking is mainly dependent on three main factors and they are as follows.
Keyword Selection- Right keyword selection plays a very important role to get your pages and the website properly listed under the correct search terms for which your target audience is looking.
Page load time – If the page load time that is the time taken for the website page to open up on the screen is more, then there are high chances that the visitor would bounce back and land up to your competitor’s site. Further, most of the search engines like Google keep the ranking lower for such websites with high page load time. The fact that page load time influences the online user experience directly and dramatically has been also mentioned in the core web vitals update in March 2021.
Content development- Quality content is the key to getting the audience on the website easily, quickly, and for an extended time. This further enhances the stay time which results in better ranking on the search engines.

What is the role of blogging in SEO?

Blogging helps in improving the SEO strategy only if optimization is the objective. A website with quality content and answers to search questions has more chances for a higher ranking in search engines. So, having blogs with answers in rich quality content for popularly search topics are considered as an authentic source for those search topics. Moreover, if backed up with on-page SEO strategies, then search engines get hold of those blogs more seamlessly.

Which is better SEO or Paid Campaign?

When it comes to digital marketing it is found that SEO and Pay-Per-Click or any other paid media channel works great to enhance the website and brand visibility in any industry or role. It is found that when it comes to return on investment SEO is much better. But, let us not understand that SEO is inexpensive or hassle-free. It is also time-consuming and needs good resources to fetch the results but its long-standing returns are massive and extensive.

What is the time frame for SEO?

The time taken for SEO to ensure results depends on the target set and the strategies applied to get the same. Industry experts normally consider around four to six months period to start seeing the results. But, the fact also lies that seeing results does not mean getting the set targeted results.

What are some of the best industry SEO practices?

SEO is a many-sided practice that needs multiple actions to be carried out across the whole website to optimize it at its best for any relevant search. The most important in SEO is rich and genuine content that holds the answers for the users’ hunt online. If the content on the website is almost what the user is looking for then search engine like Google pushes the ranking for that website. But, content alone is not sufficient. One needs to have the backup of links from reliable external sites owning a good domain authority score and serving as a backlink. Another aspect is the on-page optimization which states that there is a good need for optimizing images, tags, and meta content. Last but not least the architecture of the website, user-friendly navigation, user experience, and link of the website pages internally also holds great importance.

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